Brand Global Summit - 18. October 2023



The European Brand Institute (EBI) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have held the 19th Brand Global Summit at the Vienna International Centre and online on October 18, 2023. The Summit explored the topic “Brands for Impact”, highlighting success stories and experiences with branding as an effective solution to support businesses and regions, to increase productivity, diversify and to attract investments. This yearly gathering not only delivered a profound outlook on the challenges faced by brands and international businesses on a global scale, but also emphasized the pivotal roles of brand investment, innovation, and resilient branding strategies for sustainable growth. It offered a forward-thinking perspective on future challenges and strategies to contribute to a more impactful and positive world.


Gallery Brand Global Summit 2023

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Gallery Vienna Brand Gala 2023

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Watch the Brand Global Summit here 2023

Best of "Film" 19th Vienna Brand Gala 2023

BRAND TALK: Zukunft der Marke- Brands forever,  19. JUNI 2023


BRAND TALK: Zukunft der Marke- Brands forever,  19. JUNI 2023

Anlässlich 20 Jahre Österreichische Markenwert Studie & damit Bewusstsein für den Wert von Marken in Österreich geschaffen zu haben, lud das European Brand Institute zum BRAND TALK 2023 unter dem Motto "Zukunft der Marke - Brands forever" in die Clubräume der Österreichisch-Amerikanische Gesellschaft ÖAG ein.





Einladung Brand Talk 2023
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB




  • Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President European Brand Institute 
  • Mag. Philip Bodzenta, President ÖAG, Director Public Affairs & Communications Coca-Cola 
  • Mag. Rainer Newald, Generalsekretär ÖAG

18.40 UHR BRAND TALK - "Zukunft der Marke- Brands forever" 

  • Impuls Herausforderungen und Erwartungen der Jugend


            Mag. Nina Kaiser,  Co-Founder 4Gamechangers Festival 

  • Entwicklungen der monetären Markenwerte Europa - Amerika Herausforderungen für Europa
    Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, President European Brand Institute 
  • Marken als Treiber der Geschäftsentwicklung
    Best Practice in einem internationalen Konzern 
    Mag. Stefan Krenn, Director Group Marketing & Communications, Novomatic AG 
  • Marken aus Sicht des Employer Brandings - welche Erwartungen haben Millenials/next gen an ihre Arbeitgeber/ an die Marken dahinter
    ein volkswirtschaftlicher Vergleich
    Mag. Elisa Aichinger, Partner Human Capital Deloitte Consulting
  • Marken als Vermögenswerte 
    Collateral für Finanzierungen? 
    Mag. Herbert Kovar, Managing Partner Tax & Legal Deloitte Österreich

19.40 UHR Buffet & Networking 

21.30 UHR ENDE  


A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that gives a product, service or concept an identity and distinguishes it from others on the market. Branding is the art of becoming knowable, likable and trustable.


The European Brand Institute (EBI) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have held the 18th Brand Global Summit at the Vienna International Centre and online. The Summit explored the topic of “IN BRANDS WE TRUST”, highlighting success stories and experiences of branding as an effective solution to support enterprises and regions, to achieve higher productivity, to diversity and to attract investments. 

Gallery Brand Global Summit 2022

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Gallery Vienna Brand Gala 2022

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Watch the Brand Global Summit here 2022

Best of "Film" 18th Vienna Brand Gala 2022


Launched by the European Brand Institute in 2005 the event will be held in October 2021 for the 17th time, jointly with UNIDO, gathering participants including top decision-makers from politics, business, science, international organizations and diplomacy, as well as representatives of regions from more than 50 countries, to share knowledge and experiences for accelerating sustainable development through the branding of products and services.


This year we focus our attention on Brands for Change!


The event will showcase success stories and experiences of branding as an effective solution to support enterprises and regions, to achieve higher productivity, to diversify, and to attract investments. This yearly gathering also gives an insightful perspective on the global challenges for brands and international business, brand investments, innovations and brands; brands for resilience and growth as well as an outlook on the future challenges.


Gallery Brand Global Summit 2021

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Gallery Vienna Brand Gala 2021

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Watch the Brand Global Summit here 2021

Best of "Film" 18th Vienna Brand Gala 2021


WOMEN.FOR.CHANGE: Passion into action!

This year, our partnership with UNIDO allows us to make Women Leadership Forum more international with speakers and participants from  around the world.  Our  common  goal  is  to  facilitate  a platform for networking and professional exchange of know-how. The event gathers roles models, leaders and aspiring professionals from the field of economy, business, finance and science to facilitate better access for women to professional resources and opportunities.

Our goal is to empower women by boosting knowledge and awareness of issues important to female  economic growth. This year´s selection of speakers aims to highlight women’s contribution as powerful drivers of change in numerous industries. This year’s forum is designed to show that positive change is possible when passion leads the way.



Sustainability lies at the intersection of economic growth, social equity and environmental protection. Even as women globally take steps towards implementing sustainability in various forms, they continue to face many challenges. In this year´s forum we seek to promote greater participation, inclusiveness, and visibility of women at all levels of the sustainability workforce. Our high-level speakers will point out actions to face the challenges that restrict women from entering this workforce and taking on leadership roles. 

Our common goal is to facilitate a platform for networking and professional exchange of know-how. The event gathers roles models, leaders and aspiring professionals from the field of economy, business, finance and science to facilitate better access for women to professional resources and opportunities.


on the occasion of World IP Day

Am 26. April 2021 lud das European Brand Institute anlässlich des Welttags des geistigen Eigentums zum Sustainable Brand Talk, der aufgrund der aktuellen Situation via live-stream aus dem APA Pressezentrum übertragen wurde.


Jedes Jahr am 26. April wird der Welttag des geistigen Eigentums (#WorldIPDay) begangen, um auf die Bedeutung der Rechte an geistigem Eigentum hinzuweisen und aufzuzeigen, welche Rolle die Rechte an geistigem Eigentum (IP) bei der Förderung von Innovation und Kreativität spielen. Dem diesjährigen Motto “IP & SMEs: Taking your ideas to market“ folgend, wurde beim Sustainable Brand Talk der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle die Rechte an geistigem Eigentum (IP) bei der Förderung von Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit spielen. 





Brands contribute to competitiveness and sustainable growth, achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

European Brand Institute and UNIDO jointly hold the Brand Global Summit 2020: “Brands for Sustainability” – an event that promotes the economic and social integration, business partnerships and platform for exchange of the best practices and experiences to advance the economic development. It leverages the power of branding as a tool to foster Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Brand Global Summit 2020

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Vienna Brand Gala 2020

(c) Katharina Schiffl
(c) Katharina Schiffl

Watch the Summit here 2020

Das war der Sustainable Brand Talk & 11. BRAND [LIFE] AWARD

Das European Brand Institute lud zum Sustainable Brand Talk sowie zur Verleihung des 11. Brand [Life] Awards ins Novomatic Forum.


Unter der Leitung von Gerhard Hrebicek, EBI haben sechs erstklassige Experten, wie Raphaela Fremuth, Coca-Cola HBC Austria, Herbert Kovar, Deloitte Österreich, Michele Haindl, QimiQ, Gabriela Maria Straka, Brau Union Österreich AG, Stefan Grafenhorst, Greiner AG, Christoph Schuh, APG, diskutiert, warum eine nachhaltige Marke wichtiger denn je ist und wo noch Aufholbedarf besteht.


Der Brand [Life] Award 2019 wurde vergeben! Wir gratulieren Internorm-Chefin Anette Klinger zu dieser Auszeichnung für Ihre Verdienste um die Marke.









(c) Christian Mikes
(c) Christian Mikes

Sustainable Brand Talk

(c) Christian Mikes
(c) Christian Mikes

Brand Global Summit 2019


Ernst Peter-Brezovszky UNESCO, Olga Memedovic UNIDO, Gerhard Hrebicek, European Brand Institute, iconvienna Brand Global Summit, Branding, UNIDO
Ernst Peter-Brezovszky UNESCO, Olga Memedovic UNIDO, Gerhard Hrebicek, EBI

The European Brand Institute invited to the 15th anniversary of the  Brand Global Summit under the motto "BRANDS CREATE PROSPERITY". For the first time in cooperation with UNIDO, numerous leading decision-makers from business, international organizations, politics and diplomacy from all over the world gathered on April 9th & 10th.


The Brand Global Summit on April 10, 2019 offered the opportunity to exchange experiences, to learn from success models and interesting discussions, according to Gerhard Hrebicek, founder and president of the iconvienna Brand Global Summit.
Gerhard Hrebicek, President of the European Brand Institute awarded NURI, ELK Bau and Vienna Capitals the Certified Brands certificates at the opening event on April 9 at the Novomatic Forum. ADMIRAL used the framework of the event to introduce the new brand ambassador David Hasselhoff, who will be the focus of the new brand campaign in the future. Coca Cola Austria also presented the sustainability project "Aus Flasche werde Flasche", the use of 100% recycled PET in Römerquelle product line.




WLF2018, Women Leadership Forum, European Brand Institute
Robin Dunnigan, H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma, Renate Altenhofer, Wolfgang Ebner (©Katharina Schiffl)


On 18 September 2018, the European Brand Institute invited in cooperation with Novomatic, US Embassy, ÖBB, T-Mobile, Croma, A1 Telekom and UNIDO to the Novomatic Forum for the 6th WOMEN LEADERSHIP FORUM.


Under the theme FRAU.MACHT.INNOVATION the initiator Renate Altenhofer welcomed more than 200 participants to this year's exclusive networking event. Under the charming moderation of Sonja Kato, national and international decision-makers gave professional and personal insights into the challenges of female leadership in times of digitization, disruption and artificial intelligence.


Read more


Harald Neumann, BM Margarete Schramböck, Gerhard Hrebicek; EU Brand Talk, Bundeministerium, Digitalisierung, Novomatic
Harald Neumann, BM Margarete Schramböck, Gerhard Hrebicek ©Katharina Schiffl

On 21st November the European Brand Institute invited to 10 years of BRAND [LIFE] AWARD and EU BRAND TALK on the topic of "Starke Marken braucht das Land" in the Novomatic Forum.


BM Margarete Schramböck, Gerhard Hrebicek and high-profile speakers discussed the value of strong brands for Austria and Europe, as well as the importance of brands as an indicator of prosperity. 


We congratulate Sportalm boss ULLI EHRLICH on the BRAND [LIFE] AWARD.

This year's Brand Ambassador Awards go to STROH Austria boss Harold Burstein, Wiener Schnitzel institution Hans Peter Figlmüller, Confiserie Heindl brothers Andreas and Walter Heindl, boutique hotel Stadthalle patron Michaela Reitterer, and homeless World Cup mastermind Harald Schmied (posthumously).



Brand Global Summit 2018

Brand Global Summit
v.l.n.r.: Jürgen Roth, Martin Eichtinger, Gerhard Hrebicek, Stefan Krenn ©Katharina Schiffl

The Brand Global Summit on April 19th, 2018 was dedicated to branding and innovation and offered "the opportunity to exchange experiences on the topic of brands, to learn from success models and to have interesting discussions", said European Brand Institute President Gerhard Hrebicek. So Top decision-makers from politics, business, science, international organizations and diplomacy as well as representatives of regions from more than 44 countries met to exchange experiences and join the exclusive networking in Vienna.


 Read more

 (C) Fotos: Katharina Schiffl


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