Branding for Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth Brochure
B4C Brochure.pdf
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Brands contribute to competitiveness and sustainable growth, achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals

European Brand Institute jointly with UNIDO created the innovative service "Branding for competitiveness and sustainable growth". It will guide beneficiary companies to maximize value and sustainability, increasing brand efficiency and effectiveness aiming to improve their brand´s financial performance and create value for business and jobs for the economy.  


Global relevance and growing importance of brands – start new era with ISO 20671

The EBI, jointly with a global team of brand management experts, developed a Certified Brand Seal of Quality that is an international standard for increasing the efficiency of value driven brand management, which is manifested in the new ISO 20671. The Certified Brand Programme based on ISO 20671 “Brand Evaluation” has been developed for the measurement, management and reporting of brands. The seal of approval demonstrates the quality standard of the brand and creates the basis for ongoing improvements, process optimization and future-proofing of the company. 


Gerhard Hrebicek European Brand Institute, Farrukh Alimdjanov UNIDO
Gerhard Hrebicek European Brand Institute, Farrukh Alimdjanov UNIDO
Philippe Scholtes UNIDO; Gerhard Hrebicek European Brand Institute
Philippe Scholtes UNIDO; Gerhard Hrebicek European Brand Institute
Ernst Peter Brezovszky Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Olga Memeodivc UNIDO, Gerhard Hrebicek European Brand Institute
Ernst Peter Brezovszky Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Olga Memeodivc UNIDO, Gerhard Hrebicek European Brand Institute

(c) Katharina Schiffl

VIENNA, 16 March 2020 – Today, the Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), LI Yong, and the President of the European Brand Institute, Gerhard Hrebicek signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation thereby establishing a framework for further expanding the existing partnership in the framework of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development



UNIDO & European Brand Institute sign a Memorandum of Understanding
Press Release UNIDO and European Brand I
Adobe Acrobat Document 568.5 KB


Joint pilot project EBI and UNIDO in Yerevan, Armenia

In October 2018 Gerhard Hrebicek introduced the Certified Brand Program to Armenian companies at a jointly hosted wokshop by EBI, UNIDO and the Ministry of Economic Development and Investment of Armenia.


The workshop centred around the importance of brands for improving competitiveness of young upcoming industries in Armenia through Brand Management. "The implementing process of ISO 20671 looks beyond an entity‘s financial record to cover a larger and holistic scope of indicators effecting  performance and future growth of a brand." said Hrebicek.  


Marken als Wettbewerbsvorteil


Anfang Oktober 2018 führte Gerhard Hrebicek armenische Unternehmen in einem von EBI, UNIDO und dem Ministerium für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Investitionen Armeniens gemeinsam veranstalteten Workshop in das Certified Brand Programm ein.


Der Workshop konzentrierte sich auf die Bedeutung von Marken für die Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit junger aufstrebender Branchen in Armenien durch Markenmanagement. "Der Implementierungsprozess von ISO 20671 sieht über die Bilanz eines Unternehmens hinaus. Mit dem Standard wird ein größerer und ganzheitlicherer Bereich von Indikatoren abgedeckt, der die Leistung und das zukünftige Wachstum einer Marke beeinflusst." sagte Hrebicek.

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